Is Teeth Whitening Worth It? Cost, Benefits, and More

Is Teeth Whitening Worth It
06 Nov 2023

Is Teeth Whitening Worth It? Cost, Benefits, and More

Is teeth whitening worth it? You can decide for yourself by knowing about the cost, benefits, and more. Click here to learn what you should know.

It takes just under 30 seconds for someone to form a first impression of you, and research suggests that a friendly smile may be a crucial part of that impression. After all, we’re often drawn to people who have an approachable, confident grin.

What impression are you giving off?

If you often hide your discolored teeth behind a closed-mouth smile, you may not be making the best impression. Teeth whitening is a great way to brighten your smile and help you feel more comfortable showing off your pearly whites, but it can also feel like a pricey, high-effort procedure.

Is teeth whitening worth it? What factors should you keep in mind when weighing the pros and cons? Let’s take a look at a few things to consider if you’re on the fence about whitening your teeth.

The Safety of Teeth Whitening

First things first: is teeth whitening worth it in terms of safety? Can the harsh bleach and chemicals damage your teeth?

You can breathe easy: done right, teeth whitening is a safe way to get the look you want.

Depending on the method you use to whiten your teeth, you’ll use one of a few trusted substances. Carbamide peroxide and hydrogen peroxide are the most common active ingredients in both professional and over-the-counter treatments. These ingredients spread through the enamel of your teeth, causing a safe bleaching effect.

However, keep in mind that not all over-the-counter treatments are created equal. Some scrubs and toothpastes that promise to whiten teeth contain small abrasives that can damage the enamel. If you choose to whiten your teeth at home, always ask your dentist about the product you’ve chosen first!

In general, professional treatments are always safer than over-the-counter products. Your dentist can ensure that you get the professional-grade whiteners at the right dosage, minimizing the risk of damage or unwanted side effects.

Longevity of Teeth Whitening

Next, let’s talk about the lifespan of your whiter teeth. Will you see long-lasting effects that make the treatment worth your time, or will the short-term brightening fade fast?

The answer to this is trickier than you’d expect.

Teeth whitening is not permanent, as the root cause of discoloration is the foods and drinks we consume. In other words, the timeline of your brighter teeth may depend on what types of foods you put into your mouth!

In general, most people find that at-home treatments last for between two weeks to six months, depending on the product. Whitening gel trays, for example, may offer their maximum results in around two weeks, while whitening strips can last much longer.

Patients who seek professional teeth whitening, on the other hand, will enjoy their results for far longer. Often, our patients enjoy whiter teeth for up to two or three years! Most patients feel that these long-term results are well worth their time. 

Teeth Whitening Maintenance

In addition to the longevity of teeth whitening, many patients wonder about the maintenance needed to ensure that long lifespan.

You’ll be happy to know that whitened teeth need little to no extra maintenance. This makes them worth the hassle of a procedure.

You’ll need to come in for regular dental check-ups, and you should also brush and floss as recommended, as this can help prevent discoloration. If you haven’t already switched to a soft-bristled toothbrush, be sure to do so!

As mentioned above, you’ll also want to be aware of the foods that can stain your teeth. Coffee, sports drinks, and fruit juice are common beverages that cause discoloration, while sweets and tomato-based products are common foods that do the same. If you drink or smoke, quitting or reducing your intake can help prevent discoloration.

In addition, make the switch to a whitening toothpaste, which can help preserve the shade of your teeth. Drinking through a straw and rinsing your mouth after eating can also help.

Some patients also opt for regular touch-up whitening treatments. These treatments, often scheduled once per year, can restore your teeth if they’ve faded.

Because the effort of maintaining whitened teeth is so minimal, most patients find that they’re satisfied with their choice to brighten their smile.

Side Effects of Teeth Whitening

Next, let’s talk about the side effects of these treatments. Though most people experience few to no side effects, some people may notice significant changes. Is the risk of minor complications worth the brighter smile?

In general, most patients feel that the answer is “yes.” However, keep in mind that unwanted side effects are much more common with at-home treatments. The supervision involved in professional treatments can keep most of the effects below at bay.

Here are a few risks to keep in mind:

Tooth Sensitivity

This is by far the most common risk associated with teeth whitening.

When the active ingredients penetrate too far into the enamel, it can expose the dentin below. The dentin holds the tooth’s sensitive pulp, nerves, and blood vessels. As you can likely guess, exposing this area can make your teeth much more sensitive to hot or cold temperatures as well as sugars or acids in your mouth!

Often, this sensitivity is easy to treat at home. A toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth is your best bet, and over-the-counter painkillers can help in the interim.

Gum Inflammation

Sometimes, the active ingredients used in teeth whitening can irritate the gums. After whitening, they may look inflamed or feel sore.

For most patients, this inflammation disappears on its own in a few days. Over-the-counter painkillers can ease pain during this time.

In some cases, blistering may occur with over-the-counter whitening treatments. This is especially common if the active ingredients are in contact with the gums for too long. If you notice blisters on your gums after a DIY whitening treatment, see your dentist for help.

Over-whitened Teeth

If you leave the whitening substance on your teeth for too long in the hopes of getting better results, you might over-whiten your teeth! This can cause the teeth to look translucent or gray. Over-whitening is much more common with over-the-counter treatments than professional treatments.

Time and Effort of Teeth Whitening

If you’re trying to whiten your teeth around your busy schedule, you’ll want a low-effort option. Which teeth whitening solutions are worth your time and effort?

Let’s start with over-the-counter solutions.

If you’re simply reaching for a whitening toothpaste, there’s no extra effort to add to your day. However, you may have to apply this solution to your teeth for weeks or months before you start noticing slight changes to the color of your teeth.

If you’re applying whitening strips or gel trays, you’ll need to invest even more time. These trays take a few minutes to apply and must sit in place for around 15-20 minutes, depending on the brand. You may need to apply them multiple times over several days or weeks to produce results that last for a few months.

If you visit a dentist for professional whitening services, on the other hand, you should expect to sit through a 30- to 60-minute appointment. In most cases, you’ll only need one visit to produce results that last for years.

Even better, you’ll see much faster results with professional treatment than you would with at-home trays. Some patients notice whiter teeth within a few hours!

Cost of Teeth Whitening

For most patients, this is one of the biggest factors in their decision. Is teeth whitening worth the cost?

Over-the-counter teeth whitening treatments are the most affordable. These vary from around $3 for a whitening toothpaste or mouthwash to around $40 for certain whitening kits.

If you choose to get custom dental whitening trays from your dentist, on the other hand, you can use them at home for anywhere from $200-400.

In-office laser teeth whitening services are the most expensive option. You may pay anywhere from $500-$1,000 for this type of dental procedure. The price tag of these professional whitening services varies based on the amount of discoloration, the brand, and the need for any pre-whitening procedures.

Confidence Boost from Teeth Whitening

Last, but not least, what about the confidence boost you get from whitening your teeth?

Most patients come to us for teeth whitening services because they’re insecure about their smile. Some of them hesitate to show their teeth when they laugh or avoid smiling altogether!

Addressing discoloration is a quick and easy way to get back your self-confidence, improve your mood, and create a positive first impression every time. No one should have to hide their smile, and the instant boost to your self-esteem is well worth any cost.

Is Teeth Whitening Worth It?

Given all of the factors we’ve considered above, most of our patients would answer this question with a resounding “Yes!”

Teeth whitening is a safe, easy, and effective way to enhance your smile fast. Though at-home treatment can brighten your teeth, professional treatment can offer faster and safer results that create a long-lasting and vibrant smile.

Now that you’ve stopped wondering, “Is teeth whitening worth it?” it’s time to show off your smile! If you’re ready to enjoy the benefits of whiter teeth, we’d love to offer our professional services. Contact us to get something to smile about!

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