How to Deal with Kids Who Don’t Brush Their Teeth Regularly

Kids Need Help Brushing Teeth
04 Oct 2023

How to Deal with Kids Who Don’t Brush Their Teeth Regularly

From the moment the first baby tooth makes its appearance, dental hygiene should be a top priority in a child’s life. Strong, healthy teeth lay the foundation for good overall health, and proper care during the early years sets the stage for a lifetime of oral health. According to the CDC, more than half of children aged 6 to 8 have had a cavity in at least one of their baby (primary) teeth. This is why it is important to find a good family dentist early in your child’s life. But how do you deal with kids who shy away from the toothbrush?

The Importance of Dental Hygiene from a Young Age

I still fondly remember the nightly tug-of-war with my nephew, Jamie. Every evening, as the sun set, the same scene would play out. Jamie would come up with the most imaginative reasons to avoid brushing his teeth – from “The tooth fairy told me I get a break today!” to “My teddy brushed them for me!” While it was always a light-hearted showdown, it highlighted a real challenge many parents and guardians face: the resistance from kids against the seemingly simple act of brushing their teeth.

Your child’s baby teeth are more than just placeholders for their permanent counterparts; they play a crucial role in the development of the jaw and ensure proper spacing for adult teeth. Ignoring dental hygiene can lead to cavities, even in these temporary teeth. A cavity can cause unnecessary tooth and gum pain and potentially create complications for permanent teeth later on.

When permanent teeth come in, the stakes get even higher. These teeth are meant to last a lifetime, and their care during the formative years is critical. Neglect at this stage can lead to long-term consequences and more intensive dental treatments in adulthood.

The Foundations of Good Dental Hygiene: Starting Early Matters

From the moment that first tiny tooth emerges in infancy, the groundwork for lifelong dental health is laid. Forming good dental hygiene habits early in life not only protects a child’s primary teeth but also sets a rhythm that lasts well into adulthood. Think of it as learning to ride a bicycle: once you’ve got the hang of it in your formative years, the motions become instinctual and nearly impossible to forget.

When children are introduced to regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups from a young age, these practices become woven into the fabric of their daily routines. Tooth sealants from your family dentist can help prevent tooth decay and make taking care of your child’s baby teeth much easier too. They grow up understanding the importance of oral care, the risks of neglect, and the rewards of a bright, pain-free smile. As they transition into the challenging teenage years and then adulthood, this ingrained discipline can act as a protective barrier against common dental pitfalls.

Instead of dental care becoming a chore or an afterthought, it remains a non-negotiable daily activity, much like eating or sleeping. Moreover, adults who grew up with strong dental hygiene foundations are more likely to prioritize dental health for their own children, creating a positive cycle for generations to come. In essence, the habits cemented in the early days are not just habits—they become a way of life, ensuring a legacy of gleaming smiles and optimal dental health.

Talking to Your Kids About Dental Care

Start by making your child understand why brushing is essential. Put it in simple terms, such as: “Brushing keeps your teeth strong, healthy, and shiny. It keeps away the ‘tooth bugs’ that can cause pain.”

Use visuals. Show them pictures of healthy teeth versus cavities. You can find a ton of videos on YouTube that can help illustrate what is happening inside of their mouth to better illustrate the importance of taking care of your teeth. Let them know that by taking care of their baby teeth, they can avoid the discomfort that cavities bring.

A Parent’s Guide to Ensuring Proper Tooth Brushing for Kids

Guiding our young ones to maintain sparkling teeth is a crucial responsibility, and it begins with teaching them the right brushing technique. Ready to empower your child with the skills for a lifetime of healthy smiles? Here’s a simple breakdown:

Start by helping your child wet their toothbrush slightly under the tap. Then, dispense a pea-sized amount of toothpaste onto the brush. When they’re ready, guide them to place the toothbrush against their teeth, ensuring that the bristles are at a slight angle towards the gums. Encourage gentle, circular motions on each tooth’s front, back, and chewing surfaces. Emphasize the importance of these small circles, likening them to a gentle massage for their teeth. Don’t forget to remind them about brushing their tongue gently – it’s a step that’s often overlooked but is crucial for fresh breath!

After they’ve covered all their teeth, which should take about two minutes (you can suggest they hum a favorite tune to make sure they’re spending enough time), have them rinse their mouth thoroughly with water. They should then spit out any residual toothpaste, give their toothbrush a good rinse, and store it upright in a spot where it can air dry.

Ensuring your child adopts the correct technique is key. Regularly supervising their brushing routine, especially during the early stages, will instill good habits that they’ll carry with them for life. Remember, consistency is key, and a twice-daily brushing routine – once in the morning and once before bed – sets them on the path to a radiant, healthy smile!

Make Brushing Fun!

  • Brushing as a Game: Turn it into a fun challenge. For example, create a rewards chart, and for every week of consistent brushing, they get a sticker. After a certain number of stickers, they get a prize.
  • Sing-Along Sessions: There are numerous two-minute tooth-brushing songs available. Find one your child likes, and make it a routine to sing or play it every time they brush.
  • Family Brush Time: Kids often mimic adults. Make brushing a family event where everyone brushes their teeth together.

Tech to the Rescue: Toothbrushes and Apps for Kids

In today’s digital age, there are several tools available to make brushing interesting:

  • Themed Toothbrushes: Toothbrushes that light up or are themed with their favorite cartoon characters can be a hit.
  • Brushing Apps: Apps like ‘Brush DJ’ or ‘Disney Magic Timer’ play fun animations and music for two minutes, ensuring kids brush for the recommended duration.

Yearly Dental Visits: Prevention is Better than Cure

Last but certainly not least, regular dental check-ups are pivotal. No matter how efficient the brushing routine is, professional cleaning and an expert eye can catch potential issues before they become significant problems.

Dr. Katie Hicks and her dedicated team in Tucson, AZ, understand the importance of making dental visits enjoyable and stress-free for your little ones. Regular check-ups from your family dentist are not just about detecting cavities but also about building a relationship with the dentist, ensuring your child feels safe and cared for during every visit.

In conclusion, the journey to instilling good dental habits in your kids might be filled with a few bumps, but with consistency, creativity, and the right resources, you can ensure a bright and healthy smile for them for years to come!

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